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Wednesday 29 October 2014

A Snapshot of Nice

It's been a while! We've been caught up in the beginning of the Christmas rush since getting back from our weekend away as you may have read in David's post, I can't believe it's practically November already! This is just a wee snapshot of our time in Nice as a few of you have been asking what we got up to. We were only away for 4 nights so spent most of the time wandering around trying to see as much of the city as possible, it was so hot and humid so our walking was mostly split up with ice cream breaks to cool down (which seem to have escaped the camera). We spent a lot of time in the old town with it's maze of winding streets which were easy to get lost in but thankfully quite shady and filled with lots of cute independent shops. We also visited a few markets, saw the harbour, the view from the Castle Hill and ate some yummy patisserie treats. We spent half a day in Villefranche-sur-Mer which David had been wanting to visit; we took the train there then walked around the coast back. My feet weren't too happy but we had a lovely little apartment to come back to and relax in which was booked through airbnb.

Nice isn't the most chilled out of places (or maybe it's just us after getting used to living in a small village!) but it is so beautiful, the buildings are all candy coloured and everything is so bright and cheerful. On the last day we found Maisons du Monde was releasing their Christmas collections... so many pink decorations! We chose a small selection to take home for our first Christmas at the cottage, not long to go now.

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