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Monday 1 September 2014

In the Studio: An Introduction

Hello! This is a brand new regular feature on the JillyJilly blog which is going to be posted every Monday but the difference is that it will be written by me... David. I'm Jilly's partner and we've been together for nearly 6 years, I've been helping Jilly with her business since the start but only recently has it become more of a joint effort. I've been taking over more jobs such as aspects of social networking including managing the Twitter account on top of making some of the illustrated products. This means Jilly has more time to focus on designing and creating the new products. We've been working together on ideas for the blog and decided that we could add a new regular post each week: In the Studio!

This feature will be a peek behind the scenes showing the ups and downs of our creative business, our weekly goings ons and our business journey. The main aim for this post is to share a helpful insight into running a business, but from my point of view which can be a lot different from Jilly's!

So I should start the first post with a round up of the last week – We started the week doing a lot of planning and this is an issue we have all the time; I prefer to type things up on the computer because you can come back, edit and save whereas Jilly prefers the old fashioned pen and paper method which leads to problems when she loses her notebooks with important lists and mind maps in them... After lots of planning we decided that we should spend a lot more time on social media, getting in touch with other designers and bloggers so I have been online speaking to people and trying to use the social networking sites more efficiently. We also booked an online accounting course so I can learn how to do our taxes for next year in a less stressful fashion than we usually do. Along with new designs and Christmas plans we organised and promoted our stationery sale which took place last weekend and went great (thank you to everyone who placed an order!). Anyway, I should stop now or this will turn into an essay. Hope you enjoyed the first blog of the new regular weekly edition. See you next Monday!


  1. Hello David! Glad that you guy's have decided to do this post feature as I love seeing what goes on in the background! Can't wait till next week
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs! xxx

  2. Hey Lauren, glad you enjoyed it. I hope you find the series useful, it's going to be a interesting challenge writing a regular post. Thanks.

