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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

In the Studio: Planning Ahead

Hey guys, sorry this is a day late, no excuse other than we've been really busy. So this week Jilly is taking part in North East Open Studios, she's exhibiting her work and our products at Pebble in Aberdeen. Unfortunately this meant last week was a rush of trying to get work finished on top of the usual jobs with late nights and making extra stock. We're really aware of needing to get better at planning ahead to stop this happening and to have regular working hours would be great as we'd get more time off, which is a rare thing these days. 

Unfortunately because of not planning ahead, the Christmas collections aren't finished which means we're later than hoped for working towards wholesale this year but we'll still be creating designs just for everyone who wants to order from our online shop and upcoming fairs. We'd love to get into a seasonal collection release routine giving more time for launches and planned design time. This would mean we could finally work properly with shops to try and have our products stocked up and down the country, a big business goal of ours.

This year because of moving house and shifting the business to JillyJilly with a design focus rather than just Bottled Treasures it's been hectic to say the least. I hope by the end of the year we will have everything planned and get the ball rolling with keeping ahead of seasonal designs and also expanding the business to include more wholesale and press opportunities.

Hopefully I'll be on time next week, see you then!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the Christmas stuff so much!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!
