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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Button Lamp DIY

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now, although I've only just finished the button lamp as I ran out of buttons before it was done! For this DIY project you will need; a lampshade (any sort will do although if it's a smaller one the glue gun may not work if the lightbulb heats it up and melts the buttons off. I chose neutral to make the button colours stand out), a glue gun, glue gun sticks (I used almost two packets) and absolutely heaps of buttons in whatever colours you like. You will also need a lot of patience as it will take longer than you think!
A few buttons in and realising how big a job this actually is...
And here is the finished lamp!
I'm so pleased with how it's turned out. As well as being a decorative statement lamp it's also a way of preserving button memories which sounds a bit daft but what I mean is that these buttons aren't just bought; they have been collected over time from friends and family and there's even a button from when I was a baby that my Mum gave me (can you spot which one??). I also have a habit of buying odd buttons from craft shops on holiday and there are a few random objects stuck on for good measure - did anyone spot a mini peg? I didn't take a photo of the lamp lit up but I'll do that another time (once the room is tidy!), it creates funky button silhouettes as it glows.

I'd like to say thanks to my Mum, my Nanny, Maya, Winnie, Kate of Curious Furnishings, Bead Pop and everyone else who supplied me with enough buttons to make this. 

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