For our last day in York we finally had a lazy day - late morning, pub lunch and to finish of, a great view from the York Wheel. It started snowing on our walk to the wheel and all the streets look so romantic and even more old fashioned (if that's possible!) I realised I hadn't posted any photos of myself from this trip so here's one of me wearing my silly new hat. It's going to be a long journey home tomorrow - hope it doesn't snow too much overnight.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Last Day in York
Thursday, 24 January 2013
York Minster
We've walked past the York Minster most days but I didn't want to post photos every day! This is just a small selection of the photographs I took of it.
Day five in York
Today we walked the full Snickelway walk! We used our newly bought book: A Walk Around the Snickelways of York by Mark Jones. It's safe to say we'd have been lost without this and would never have managed to find as many little lanes and passages. The illustrations are great too - it feels like a secret guide of shortcuts and hiding places around York. Despite the icy rain this was great fun and I feel like I know York that little bit better now! Thank you to my Grandad for recommending this book. Apart from sneaking around Snickelways all day we did a bit more shopping and went out to La Piazza for a nice Italian meal. Only one proper day left then back to busy reality.
Day four in York
Shopping and hot chocolate breaks seem to be the theme of this holiday! We found a cosy place by the market which sells lots of flavours of hot chocolate, we had hazelnut and banoffee... mmm. I had to share some photographs of the most magical shop I've ever been in - the Yorkshire Soap Co. We found it by following bubbles to their source of the bubble machine at the door. The whole shop was pastel pinks and vintage, cakestands, grand piano, chandeliers, ribbons, frills and a soundtrack which could have been disney fantasia! They have glitter cake soaps that look too good to eat, let alone dissolve. I bought a couple of bars as presents (ssh) but may have to go back and treat myself to a lavender cake slice soap. We bought this print of the snowy York Minster to go on the holiday wall back home, along with a plastic frame in Urban Outfitters. A frosty feel to remind us of this winters break.
hot chocolate,
yorkshire soap co.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Day three in York
It was actually bright and frosty this morning, lovely and wintery! It soon turned to slush after we'd been to the Castle Museum which was a shame. I let David borrow my old camera, and he managed to drop and (hopefully temporarily) break it. It was kind of a joint act of clumsiness though so I can't complain. Anyway, we had milkshakes twice today! Once was at a dessert cafe, with lemon and sugar crepes for breakfast (they were a bit rubbish and expensive) but after lunch we went to the Milkshack which reopened today for 2013 and those were so yummy!
I bought the illustrated guide to snickleways book as recommended by my Grandad today, we were going to go on a Snickleway walk tonight but it's a bit late now so we'll save it for another evening. It has an illustration in it of the snickleway which leads to our rented apartment which is pretty cool. I went back and bought the black onyx ring, but it's for my birthday next month so it's back in it's box for now.
York Castle Museum
A trip to York isn't complete without a visit to the York Castle Museum! These are a few of my snaps from the walk around it, there was a bit of a changeover going on between exhibits so not all of the usual parts were open. We did get a bit of a preview of the new Toy Story exhibition which was nice (big carousel!). I love the old style pharmacy, with the little potions and packets - some ideas for Bottled Treasures there! The old sweetie shop with multi coloured sugar shapes and the 1960s street with life sized Beatles silhouettes finished off the tour... Our tickets last 12 months so we may be back before the week ends.
Monday, 21 January 2013
Day two in York
David bought me flowers from the market this morning, they're such a pretty colour and up close look like tiny wee thistles! We don't have a vase here so the jug will have to do. We went back to the Banana Warehouse furniture place today, it was open so we had a rummage. Lots of pianos and frames and odd cabinets, nothing that would be easy to take home though. I just love how it's completely full up to the roof with treasures (and junk!). We went for afternoon tea/late lunch at the Little Shambles Tea Room to get warm from a slushy day. I had the traditional and comforting cream tea, David had sandwiches and the deluxe hot chocolate which came with strawberry marshmallows. Such a cosy little place!
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Day one in York
It's been three years since I've been to York properly so today we just went for a big wander around everywhere to see what's changed. A few places have sadly closed, but some new have opened including the amazing Purple Haze Vintage. They have the biggest selection of vintage fashion I've seen in one shop! On two floors, lots of accessories and cute displays. I got a snuggly floral knit jumper (£35) as it's still freezing and I'm silly and didn't pack any knitwear (not that I needed an excuse!) and I was very tempted with a silver and onyx ring but have resisted for now. The Banana Warehouse was shut today along with another Aladdin's cave of a vintage shop, but it's Sunday so hopefully they'll be open at some point in the week! I also bought these rainbow glitter shoes from H&M too, I never wear "proper" heels but they were reduced to £7 so it doesn't really matter if they just sit looking pretty.
Saturday, 19 January 2013
March Hare Market
This has been my latest and most exciting design project in a long time - the rebrand and web design for the March Hare Market. This is a monthly craft and vintage market in Aberdeen so it made sense to give it a crafty vintage feel. Here's a few sneaky peek images of the work in progress, lots of frames, line drawing and cute patterned fabric! Picture these mixed with watercolour collage illustrations and you might be close. The website will be launched on the 1st of February and will allow potential stallholders to apply to take part online. There's also going to be some quirky gallery pages featuring photographs from the 2012 events. Here's one last preview for you! Find March Hare Market on Facebook to make sure you don't miss the launch.

web design
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