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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

A Jumble of Paris

Our holiday feels like ages ago already. It's taken a while to get all the photographs sorted now that I'm back to work and have lots to catch up with! Here is a bit of a jumble of our time in Paris. Photographs are in no particular order:

1 & 2. View from the Eiffel Tower before the rain become completely torrential. 3. A grey day in Paris. 4. A small fortune was spent in Les Fleurs. 5. Père Lachaise visit was a little tricky without a map but a nice walk nonetheless. 6. Ta-Da! Time for a visit to the Pompidou Centre. 7. One of many crepes eaten throughout our stay. 8. Montmartre artists in the rain. 9. Pop Market was a fun and colourful shop. 10. Lots of time spent on the Metro, Cité is the prettiest station. 11. Notre Dame. 12 & 13. The "Love Lock" Bridge. Yes we added one... couldn't resist! 14. Cute little food market just around the corner from our apartment. 

I think rain is probably the common feature in these photos... it was still an amazing holiday though! I might do another blog post with some of my favourite purchases later on once a bit more caught up on work. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Bonjour Paris!

It's been just over a day in Paris and we've been trying to make an effort to slow things down after feeling tired from week one of the trip! Our (cosy but tiny) apartment is in the heart of Montmartre so we've spent time exploring the area which is filled with lots of tiny boutiques. We bumped into the Moulin Rouge and the Cafe des 2 Moulins (Amelie cafe!) and tried some patisserie treats. This morning we walked up to Sacré Coeur before it got too busy then headed over to the Marche aux Puces. It's not that affordable for a flea market but there's plenty to look at, including tiny dogs. Afterwards we nipped across town on the metro to the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, saw the Arc de Triomphe then had coffee and chocolate crêpes in a nearby Brasserie... Reading this back I don't think we've been too successful at slowing things down!

Friday, 6 September 2013

A little bit more Brussels

Another quick post before bed then Paris tomorrow! The last two days of Brussels have been spent walking, shopping and eating. It's been absolutely roasting (33°C) and the city is packed as there is a massive Belgian Beer Festival on at the moment! We went to a flea market yesterday where I bought these beautiful vintage glasses, I just hope they survive the trip home. As well as chips, chocolate and beer we treated ourselves to some luxury Pierre Ledent macarons. There were lots of flavours to choose from like mojito, sesame caramel and balsamic vinegar (although we weren't that adventurous) and they come presented in a very posh box!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Brussels so far

This is just a quick photo post as our first day in Brussels has mostly been spent wandering around and getting to know where everything is. Now I'm off out again and will be back with another post in a few days!